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Letters - 1988 - November 27 - Harrison to AFP
​Harrison finally mentions the Pillsbury Collection at BYU.  

​In 1987 the family, all of us, finally realized Mother was struggling.  Dad was worried, but also knew she did not like him to fuss. She refused to see a physician.  Then, in late June of early July, Charles and Sue swooped down on her and carried her off to Stanford Medical Center where Sue was specializing in Oncology and Radiology.  Nothing could be done.  Mother had cancer and it had metastasized from her lungs into her liver.   

I took the kids to the cabin, 45 minutes away and spent several weeks going to see Mom before it was clear she needed more help.  She and Dad went to Anne's home in Goleta.  Mom had lasted only six weeks between the time she was diagnosed and the day she died.   

All of us were in shock for a long time.  The funeral was small, held in the little church down the street from their home in Springville.  She and Dad had been married 55 years.  Dad was now alone.