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1916 - The Pillsbury Studebaker on Overhanging Rock
       The story ran in papers across the United States on September 17, 1916.  But despite appearances there was less risk than many tourists had when walking over to the edge of Overhanging Rock.  The auto was placed with a ramp, built for the purpose and was secured by cables.  It was not going anywhere.  No one was in the vehicle until Arthur C. Pillsbury checked it over and confirmed it was secured.  AC was an intelligent businessman who understood he needed to get press whenever possible.  His children were trained on smaller rock formations before being allowed to climb in Yosemite, as falls by those unfamiliar with rock climbing were common.  
       But the sight of the car poised over the abyss was arresting.  So much so that AC's life insurance company cancelled his policy on Monday morning.  He had it restored by showing the many photos of the security provided out of sight of the camera.